Statistical Depth for Ranking and Characterizing Transformer-Based Text Embeddings

A statistical tool for measuring and comparing distributions of transformer-based text embeddings.

Text Encoders Lack Knowledge: Leveraging Generative LLMs for Domain-Specific Semantic Textual Similarity

STS can be cast as a text generation problem while maintaining strong performance on multiple STS benchmarks.

The Scope of In-Context Learning for the Extraction of Medical Temporal Constraints

Medical Temporal Constraints Large Language Models can Extraction Medical Temporal Constraints from Drug Usage Guidelines What Are Medical Temporal Constraints? Medications usually come with specific instructions about when and how to take them.

HealthE: Recognizing Health Advice & Entities in Online Health Communities

Why We Need Better Health Text Datasets The rise of the internet has revolutionized how we access health information. A staggering 89% of patients in the U.S. now google their health symptoms before visiting their doctor.

Consumtion as Therapy: Individual and Country Factor effects on Stress and Optimism During a Sustained Stressor

A life-threatening organism has created stress around the globe. Across four countries, we explore coping with stress through consumption. This research provides insight about changes in stress over time, country factors, consumer sentiment, coping …